Tips for Better Play
Most people playing by NSA rules also play in local and non-local tournaments
with people from all over the country. There are many tips that can be learned from these players that will allow you
to improve your game. Competitive players, although they play competitively, are usually very willing to suggest tips
and ways for you to play your game, from lists to strategy. Some of these tips can be found on line at various sites
too numerous to list at this time. The following tips are not listed in order of importance.
- Tracking -- is a way of checking off letters played. Sometimes
it will allow you to make an educated guess at what letters are on your opponent's rack. This may be especially important
at the end of the game when you may need to block the only spot your opponent can play the "Q". Tracking will also
help you to know whether it is advantageous for you to exchange tiles and which tiles to exchange. Some players play
for years before they are comfortable tracking tiles.
- Rack Management -- is a way of keeping a balanced rack (equal number
of vowels and consanants). If you have been tracking and know that there are still x-number of vowels and x-number of
power tiles, you will know whether it is advantageous for you to exchange.
- Anagramming -- many expert players frequently anagram. Sometimes
they will practice by writing down seven random letters and trying to find bingos.
- Word Lists -- there are many many different word lists available.
Lists are usually designed with a specdific idea, such as all words ending with "gry". Do you know how many there are?
Some lists are all animals beginning with "a".
- Hooks -- many experts also study "hooks". A hook is a letter
that you can add to another word to make a word. For example, you can add a "P" to "LAYER" to make "PLAYER". This
allows you to play a word with a "P" in it by putting the "P" atop LAYER and get points for each word.